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YPL100Unsere Local News & Ansagen sind nicht auf einer täglichen Basis, aber mehr als ein ", wie und wann’ es gibt etwas, note würdig. Wir wollen lokale Veranstaltungen oder Neuigkeiten zu fördern, also, wenn Sie etwas haben, würden Sie gerne hier sehen, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, und wir werden es überprüfen und veröffentlichen Sie sie, so, wenn Sie etwas zu sagen haben, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns HIER .

Center Elementary a School of Excellence

Center Elementary is a school of accomplishment and the home of the Tigers. In the last two years, through the hard work of our students and staff, we have earned the distinguished honor of being recognized as a School of Excellence and a Title 1 Reward School for highest progress. In addition to our accolades, we have three pillars that we stand on: building relationships, challenging students, and preparing students for life transitions.

For 2013-2014, Center’s College Career Readiness Performance Indicator, CCRPI, score of 96.2 was the highest of the eight county districts in the Okefenokee RESA region.

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It’s Fair Time

For the 60th year Waycross will be the site of this area’s Agricultural Fair. I guarantee that this Fair will be loads of fun for the whole family! I would like to take a moment to share with you the excitement of our upcoming fair.

Starting November 11th through the 16th 2014 we will be hosting events that have become a tradition at the fair. For our main attraction, we are proud to have Amusements of America and their array of exciting rides and shows. For you thrill seekers the midway will have an assortment of heart racing, adrenaline charged rides to excite the young and young at heart. If you are one who is looking for a calmer experience we will offer rides with a Rule more sedated side. If you have young children we will be ready to thrill and excite them as well with a large variety of children’s rides for the youngest of fair goers. From a fun-filled midway, full of amusement rides and shows, to the tasty foods provided by many vendors, and other local clubs from our area you can expect to have a great time.

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