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YPL100Unsere Local News & Ansagen sind nicht auf einer täglichen Basis, aber mehr als ein ", wie und wann’ es gibt etwas, note würdig. Wir wollen lokale Veranstaltungen oder Neuigkeiten zu fördern, also, wenn Sie etwas haben, würden Sie gerne hier sehen, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, und wir werden es überprüfen und veröffentlichen Sie sie, so, wenn Sie etwas zu sagen haben, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns HIER .

Hobby Lobby News

As most of you will know, the National Craft & Home Décor Retailer is Opening a New Store in Waycross.

The information you need is who what and when, so here’s the latest that they have released:

This is Hobby Lobby’s thirty-second location in Georgia, which is projected to open at the end of February. The location will bring about 35-50 jobs to the community paying $15 per hour for full-time and $10 per hour for part-time associates.

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK ­ Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. a privately held national retail chain of craft & home décor stores, is set to open a new store in Waycross, GA. Construction is underway on this new 55,000 square-foot building located at between Hatcher Point Road and Woodward Avenue on Memorial Drive.

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A gift that could save a lifeStart the New Year off Right!

With just days before Christmas I know that there are some of you out there that just hasn’t got all the Christmas gifts yet. It happens every year, and to be honest I fall into this trap each year as well, so I know what it’s like.

So what would I suggest for that person that has everything?
Well, how about a gift that could save their life, this year, heaven forbid!
Air Evac is our local air ambulance helicopter service providing medical transport which dramatically reduces the time to an emergency treatment facility.
Also, let’s look at this for a moment, if you’re in an accident or have a medical emergency and Air Evacuation is determined to be your fastest and safest option Air Evac Lifeteam can fly you to the nearest appropriate hospital at a substantial fee, because keeping a helicopter ready 24-7 isn’t cheap. That’s OK, but I can’t afford that and I don’t think my insurance will cover that, what now, I want the best, BUT there is an answer

ein 1 year family membership is affordable at $65 a household*, plus your out-of-pocket costs for air medical flight are covered if we transport you. * subject to the size of the family

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