Serving the local community for the last 25 years
la: PO Box 467, 515 en. 12th Street, Alma GA 31510
t: 912.632.7777
F: 912.632.6480
h: 9:00a.m – 5:00mi pm – Vie
Often times when a person needs the services of an attorney, they are under stress and facing unfamiliar situations.
Our goal is to provide personalized and professional representation to clients to help ease the stress and anxiety that is associated with litigation. While we can not promise specific results in a case, we pledge to provide the best and most effective representation that we can.
We will attempt to reach a resolution of your case that is acceptable to you as quickly as we can through settlement or mediation. However, if we cannot reach a settlement that is satisfactory to you, we will be prepared to take your case to Court if that is necessary.
Bankruptcy, Debtor, Creditor & Trustee