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需要帮助找到我们当地景点, 他们都在我们的“本地链接’ 在顶部菜单部分.


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您的 Local News & Announcements

现在,我们拥有了一些当地的活动, 新闻 & 感兴趣的东西


本地新闻 & 通告

YPL100我们的本地新闻 & 公告是不,每天更作为'作为与当’ 有什么东西值得注. 我们要推动当地的事件或者新闻, 所以,如果你有什么事情,你想看到这里, 请与我们联系, 我们将对其进行审核,并张贴, 所以如果你有话要说, 请与我们联系 这里 .


好, 它几乎不用说, 但大家都这样做, 美国独立日! 又是一年老,让我们期待更聪明, 但是当你看世界,你开始怀疑,如果人类将永远学习.

对于那些认识我, 你要知道,我从英格兰本来是的,违反了许多朋友和熟人, 不,我们不庆祝这个节日回到英格兰. 正如我说的, “我们不庆祝我们失去”, 但我补充一点,我很高兴我们没有,否则我也不会现在在这里,在美国.



Every intention but things happen as we all know

When I updated this site to it’s new look I wanted to include a regular’ish post to be added and I had every intention to make it every couple of weeks and at least once a month, but things happen as we all know. I don’t know about you, but I have been crazy and this wish went right out the window because I haven’t pasted since March, and that’s not that regular is it!

With this in mind, I’m turning over a new leaf and making the time to post something, fingers crossed, I did it once for years on a weekly basis in the wjhnews so I can do it here.

所以, what’s new, well I would like to start, not necessarily with the latest news, more of a combination of old and new. The old is more of a thank you to Wayne Morgan for the use of some of his photography on this site. When I did the new look I wanted to include local images and a few weeks ago I even changed the yourwarelocal.com home page people to locals as well, so thank you to all involved in allowing me to use them on the site.

wayne morgan



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