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Okefenokeology 2016
A fun and informative course that takes you on a tour of the Okefenokee Swamp.
Five two-hour classes and a field trip into The Land of the Trembling Earth allow you to experience the mysteries and wonder of this magnificent wetland. The instructor uses many animal and plant artifacts, display boards, and live animals in his presentation. Participants are encouraged to share pertinent personal experiences with the class. There are no requirements, age limits, or tests. Participants earn a diploma at the completion of the course that declares their official title of OKEFENOKEOLOGIST.
“不要等待. 沟通. 让你的紧急计划今天。“这是消息应急管理人员九月份在与人都在美国分享.
九月是全国准备月和联邦紧急事务管理署的 (FEMA) 敦促大家采取措施,制定一个计划,知道在紧急情况下做什么.