
你是查尔顿的居民吗, 洁具, 或克林奇县, 乔治亚州或贝克县, 佛罗里达?

在这个假期里为全家寻找有趣的东西? 12 月星期六来参观 Suwannee 运河游乐区 13 为避难所的第一个当地人日! 本次活动期间, 避难所将照常向公众开放, 但对于居住在避难所所在县的居民 (查尔顿, 洁具, 克林奇和贝克, 佛罗里达州) – 有很大的折扣! 当地人将获得免费入场 (通常 5 美元/辆), 一个 10% 在奥克弗诺基野生动物联盟书店购买的折扣 (理查德 S 内. 博尔特游客中心), 和 10% 90 分钟乘船游览和独木舟/皮划艇租赁折扣 (奥克弗诺基历险记).


Don’t forget to take a ride down the Swamp Island Drive while you are here – the drive has great opportunities for viewing a variety of wildlife and also to observe the fall colors that South Georgia has to offer. Stop by the Chesser Island Homestead and tour the swamper cabin with a refuge volunteer to learn about how people lived during the early 1900s. Then visit the Chesser Island Boardwalk to observe the vast Wilderness of the Okefenokee looking out from the Owl’s Roost Tower onto Seagrove Lake.

Stay into the evening and come join in the fun as we celebrate Christmas at the Chesser Island Homestead from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Enjoy refreshments (cookies, hot chocolate or apple cider), decorate a Gingerbread cookie, help the children find a Christmas log to be used in the fire, and join the Roddenberry Sisters as they sing Christmas carols around the bonfire.

We hope to see many of our neighbors on Saturday December 13! Don’t miss this great opportunity to pick up a few gifts for the holidays, enjoy a day at the refuge, and get into the holiday spirit, on us! For more information, contact the Richard S. Bolt Visitor Center at 912-496-7836, 9:00 上午. - 4:00 p.m. TuesdaySaturday.

Sarah Wyatt
Refuge Ranger & Environmental Education Coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSoutheast Region 4
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Richard S. 博尔特游客中心
2700 Suwannee Canal Road, Folkston, GA 31537
Ť: 912.496.7836 x24

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