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YEA alertAs I’m entering this article, the rain is coming down outside like stair rods! Now if you don’t know the expression, I’m not that surprised, it comes from the North of England and basically means ‘Heavy!’

But all that aside, I know currently there’s a heavy storm warning at the moment but did you know it was going to be bad, or would you know if it’s likely to get worse. Well you would if you visited here and followed the link to the site we maintain with the help of the Ware County CERT offices.

Several years ago, when we had the year of the forest fires, Perry Blackburn who works at the Ware County EMS & CERT got together with (Derek Harrison & to make a website that would have regular alert messages that effected Ware County, from floods, fires, tornados, whatever. So at that time committed their services to keep this up to date FOC for the Ware County community.

If you want to take a look, there’s a load of information on the site, with a number of suggestions, what if’s and how to’s. Please take a moment and have a look, because you may not need the alerts now, rain on its own is not that bad, but when you need it or want updates that are accurate and not hearsay which we had during the fires, you’ll know how and where to find them.

The link is on each and every page of this site, at the very top labeled ‘Weather & Notfall ALERTS’. Now before I go, you can register FREE on the alert site for ALERT pasts to be sent to your email, so if you want them, just sign up. Have a great weekend and don’t get too wet.

Derek Harrison
Waycross Chatterbox