
Severe Weather Awareness Week in the State of Georgia

This week is Severe Weather Awareness Week in the State of Georgia. As a part of the Severe Weather Awareness Week activities the statewide Tornado Drills will Be held on Wednesday, February 4th. If, for any reason the drill needs to be postponed an updated Public Information Statement will be issued by the National Weather Service office in Jacksonville on Wednesday morning.

ready GA

Can we expect Bad Weather?

YEA alertAs I’m entering this article, the rain is coming down outside like stair rods! Now if you don’t know the expression, I’m not that surprised, it comes from the North of England and basically means ‘Heavy!’

But all that aside, I know currently there’s a heavy storm warning at the moment but did you know it was going to be bad, or would you know if it’s likely to get worse. Well you would if you visited here and followed the link to the site we maintain with the help of the Ware County CERT offices.

Several years ago, when we had the year of the forest fires, Perry Blackburn who works at the Ware County EMS & CERT got together with yourWARELOCAL.com (德里克·哈里森 & 侍女.com) to make a website that would have regular alert messages that effected Ware County, from floods, fires, tornados, whatever. So at that time 侍女.com committed their services to keep this up to date FOC for the Ware County community.


你们大多数人都知道, 民族工艺 & 家居装饰零售商正在韦克罗斯开设新店.

您需要的信息是谁在什么时候做什么, 所以这是他们发布的最新消息:

这是 Hobby Lobby 在乔治亚州的第 30 秒地点, 预计2月底开放. 该位置将带来 35-50 向社区支付的工作 $15 每小时全职和 $10 兼职员工每小时.

俄克拉荷马城, OK爱好大厅商店, 公司. 一家私营的全国手工艺品零售连锁店 & 家居装饰店, 将在 Waycross 开设新店, GA. 这个新项目正在建设中 55,000 位于海彻角路和纪念大道伍德沃德大道之间的平方英尺建筑.

一个礼物,能救人一命 – 启动新年抵销权!

随着圣诞节的前几天我知道,有一些你在那里,只是没有把所有的圣诞礼物尚未. 它每年都会发生, 并说实话我每年落入这个陷阱,以及, 所以我知道是什么感觉.

好, 怎么样的礼物,可以救他们的命, 今年, 但愿!
空气EVAC 是我们当地的空中救护直升机服务提供医疗运输,大大降低了时间紧急处理设施.
所以, 让我们来看看这个一会儿, 如果你在事故或有一个医疗急救和空中后送被确定为您的最快,最安全的选择空气EVAC Lifeteam可以在一笔可观的费用你飞向最近的合适的医院, 因为保持直升机准备 24-7 不便宜. 没关系, 但我不能说,我不认为我的保险会, 现在怎么办, 我想最好的, 但有一个答案 …

一个 1 一年的家庭成员是负担得起的 $65 一个家庭*, 加上空中医疗飞行您外的自付费用,如果我们送你覆盖. * 受家庭规模